How India can benefit from Green Building Architecture – Exploring Possibilities

How India can benefit from Green Building Architecture – Exploring Possibilities

We are in a nation that gets impacted by the energy crisis and environmental pollution now and then! We also know that Petroleum and coal resources are depleting. Energy, water, and resource usage have all been drastically increased. We must prevent the unsustainable use of water, energy, and renewable energy sources.

A “green building” is a structure that minimizes or eliminates harmful effects on the climate and the environment during design, construction, or operation. Green structures protect priceless natural resources and raise our standard of living. Numerous elements can help a building become green. These include:

  • Efficient use of resources such as energy, water, and others
  • Using sustainable energy sources like solar power
  • Efforts to reduce waste and pollution as well as to promote recycling and reuse
  • Satisfactory indoor air quality
  • Utilizing non-toxic, moral, and ecological materials
  • Environmental considerations in building, design, and operation
  • Taking into account the tenants' quality of life during design, construction, and operation
  • A structure that allows for environmental adaptability

Any building, whether it be a house, an office, a school, a hospital, a community center, or any other kind of construction, can be considered a green building as long as it has the traits mentioned above. It is important to keep in mind, nevertheless, that not all green structures can or should be the same. Different nations and areas have various qualities that influence how they approach green building, including specific climatic conditions, local cultures and traditions, a diversity of building kinds and ages, or broad-ranging environmental, economic, and social goals.

To seek green buildings that are most suited to their respective markets, “APEX Structures Pvt. Ltd., Indore” supports Green Building Concept and intend to work towards “Development with Sustainability”. If you also want to contribute to sustainability and looking for Green Building concept to be adopted in your construction, please keep reading.

Efficient use of available resources in a “Green BUILDING”

In any building whether a commercial, Industrial or Residential, the main resources that we utilize are water and power. Water is used in various human needs like drinking, washing, cleaning etc. whereas power is used for all other human requirements like light, air circulation, air conditioning, room heating, water lifting, water filtration, cooking, heating etc.

In a “Green Building” we can use efficient devices to minimize power consumption. Let us discuss few things that we as a common user can use or adopt that can help us in saving power and water:

1) People while buying electric devices for their use, generally go for initial cost and don’t look at the running cost. An intelligent purchase can be done by considering below suggestions:

  • Using LED Bulbs of correct wattage as per requirement.
  • Using dimmers in high wattage LED lights to get the required illumination with minimal power consumption.
  • Using BLDC Fans in place of regular fans for less power consumption.
  • Using higher star rating Air Conditioners for low power consumption.
  • Minimal use of power for heating purpose, as this consumes high power and cannot be reduced due to use of heating element.
  • Maximum use of glass windows that can help the building in getting natural light.
  • Well designed and engineered ventilation so that air circulation can be natural rather than forced.
  • Installing Solar Water heating systems in place of conventional water heaters also helps a lot in saving power. A central solar water heating system with inbuilt electric heating element with thermostat helps in using minimum power yet giving hot water as per requirement.

2) Most of us are unaware that the catchment area of ground water they are consuming is more that 40 to 50 km far from their location. A rain water harvesting system can help in immediate bore recharge and water conservation. One more thing that we all are unaware of is that an RO Filter gives only 30% to 40% of clean water and rest of the water gets rejected. This rejected water is not harmful and only has high TDS which is not good for drinking. This reject water can be sent to the water harvesting system, boring pit or a separate tank which can deliver this water in cleaning and toilet requirements.

3) One of the most important aspects of a “Green Building” is use of Solar Power plant for generating own power. Today’s Solar power systems have become very efficient due to grid connectivity and net metering. Evolution of Solar PV systems have made them highly efficient in terms of generating power and at the same time they have also become cost effective. If a house uses 20 kWh of power per day, then the consumption in a year will be 7300 units. Cost of power considering INR8/- per kWh, will generate bill of INR 58,400/- in a year. Whereas if a 5 Kw system costing INR 2.5 Lacs is installed on its roof will generate 6000 units in a year and amount will be INR 48,000/- and ROI will be five years and three months. And what’s more! this solar system has a life of more than 30 years. Thing to be noted that in the case discussed above the electricity bill will be less then INR 1,000/- per month

We at APEX Structures Pvt. Ltd. have experts, who can understand your requirement and can plan the best solution. Please contact us for the best solution. Apex Structure Private limited. (ASPL) is a leading infrastructure construction company based in central India Indore. The company has origin in 2000 as a proprietor concern. The company has been incorporated in Feb 2008 as Private Limited to take over the business of the proprietary. In a short span, we have worked in all major areas of Infrastructure development Projects like Residential Buildings, Commercial & Institutional Buildings, Malls and Clubhouses, Government Projects of Roads and Commercial buildings.

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